The technology world is changing at lightning speeds. Some technologies such as radio and typewriter, which were an integral part of our lives, but these gadgets have vanished within a few years. Modern day gadgets such as the TV, Desktop computer and others which are currently considered as necessities are also in a risk zone. Biometric technology, the latest addition to science, is also upgrading day by day. Here we will talk about the future of biometrics technology and vice versa.

What is Biometrics Technology?
Biometrics technology is a way of measuring your physical traits. Primarily it has three parts including scanning, matching and recognizing. At first, it will scan a part of your body such as finger, then it will scan the fingerprint and recognize your identity. The most common biometrics technologies are fingerprint, palm vein, iris, and voice recognition.
Types of Biometrics
There are two types of biometrics, physical and behavioral. Physical biometrics are fingerprint, palm vein recognition, Iris recognition, etc. On the other hand, behavioral biometrics consist of our habitual movements like the way we look, walk or simply move.
Biometrics have changed the traditional security systems around the world. Developed nations like US, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, etc. have already adopted biometrics technologies in the major airports. Major private corporations started using these technologies for workforce management which help them to reduce payroll error, buddy punching, etc.
As per research findings, some biometric technologies which are going to rule in 2018 are the following:
- Gait Biometrics: One of the most advanced biometrics technologies to be available in 2018. If you watched the movie Mission Impossible 5, you already know how it works. In short, it scans the way people walk and move. As everyone has a unique style of walking and moving, it is quite the perfect technology which will rule the future of biometrics from 2018.
- Heartbeat Measurement: It is one of the most critical biometric technologies so far. The growing evolvement of biometrics has already replaced the demand for passwords and PINs. But heartbeat biometrics will replace the necessity of car keys, house keys, credit cards, and boarding passes too. Heartbeat is also a unique human characteristic, as like fingerprint, retina, palm veins, etc. It seems like this technology will allow you to sit in front of your laptop and unlock automatically, and when you go for a walk, it’ll be locked again so that nobody can login to your pc. The same thing will happen with your car wheel, door handle, etc.
- Keystrokes Dynamics: Keystroke dynamics (also known as typing biometrics) will scan the pattern of your keystrokes. It is also a behavioral biometric as like heartbeat biometrics. In this method, the biometric device will identify you by your typing pattern, rhythm and speed. Mostly, keystroke recognition will work on computer keyboards, mobile phones, and touchscreen panels. It is very useful for corporations because you need nothing but a keyboard to verify yourself. It is also a unique human characteristic which is difficult to recreate.
- Sweat Recognition: It is a new and unique addition to biometric authentication when you just need to verify yourself with your sweat. Your physical traits such as fingerprint, retina, palm vein can be copied, but your sweat is one of a kind and hard to forge by anyone. The best part of this technology is everybody, including the people without eye or finger or unable to memorize things, can be recognized by the sweat recognition
- Odor Recognition: Your body odor could also be your identity card in the upcoming future of biometrics. A report says that researchers at Spain’s Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and tech firm IIia Sistemas SL are developing a system that can verify people by their scent signatures. Other biometric authentication systems, such as facial recognition, have higher error rates which is highly concerning for researchers. As body odor is unique and everybody can be enrolled by this technology much like sweat recognition, it is deemed more reliable and widely applicable.
Why will Biometrics Rule in the Future?
Law enforcement has been using fingerprint technology for over 100 years to identify criminals and suspects. With the advancement of biometric technology, it is now a far more widespread technology in all spheres of our lives. The market share of biometric technology is skyrocketing, which is predicted to exceed approximately 32.73 Billion USD by 2022.